The Word: Strong and Tasty (Ta-im v'Chazaq)

Tanakh with Trup/T'amim, helped by 'Open Scriptures'
(Brought to you by Rabbi Carl Woolf. Firefox on Mac desktop is recommended for this page -- Your mileage may vary on other configurations.)
Based on
  1. Data provided online by the Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible (OSHB), itself based on the Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC), but also containing
  2. Data for Miqra `al pi ha-Mesorah (MAPM), based on the Aleppo Codex and other sources

You can use this page in various ways:
  1. As an aggregator, giving cross-reference links to other useful sites, such as Strong's Concordance (thus "Strong" / "Chazaq" in the title), Sefaria, transliteration, etc.
  2. For a technical treatment of T'amim, Trup, Cantillation, Accentuation of the texts (thus, via poetic license, "Tasty" / "Ta-im" in the title)
  3. For a technical comparison of the texts as between data from OSHB and MAPM
  4. To select texts for musical display on the 'cousin' page for 123 music-handling

For more details, see Introduction / Details, Technical Comments, Discussion

Choose Book(s)
Choose Chapter(s)
R-Click on a chapter while pressing Shift, Control, or Option to show / hide specific verses
(Chapter number and verse numbers are according to MAPM)
Sheet music for these verses:
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Trup Output (Using MAPM Data)

(Needs option of 'enhanced names' above) (Performs further name-processing)

words per line