Enter 123 to get PDF (etc.) via ABC

Click one of the above buttons to show/hide various sections. The latest-shown section appears above any others
What is 123 anyway?      What is ABC for that matter?
Version: December 2024 ( Kudos to (prior version of) Paul Rosen's abcjs library )
(Tested on Chrome and Firefox, on Mac desktop. You may need to install more fonts if the song uses symbols for Segno or Coda)
Test Scales / Keys Note: Key signature may be incorrect for some Misheberach ('mish') keys, but scale notes should be (at least enharmonically) correct
Try the Bible ('Strong-Tasty') page
(Experiment with the 123 parser)
(The 'demo' sample attempts to illustrate our 123 features -- on the sheet, notation in brackets (or sometimes surrounded by single-quotes) corresponds to the musical notation)

Standard Notation / Playing

Click a note or play the song to enable Download Button

Click notes in the below song to indicate start and end of desired repeat-section. (If a clicked note is within a printed repeat, we use its second occurrence)

Adjust speed (100% might be too fast or too slow) using the box to the right in the player controls
The above 'arrow circle' toggles whether to repeat the whole song. (You can also use the Ad Hoc Repeats feature to repeat a part of the song)


Rainbow Note-Play



Editing / Changing 123 Notation

Default Mode (If no "K:" in the 123):

Provide an array of desired macros. E.g. for my1 and m2, click the Import/paste button after copying something like

[ ["my1", "110" ],
["my2", "220" ] ]

For the sheet music:              



123 content automagically updates the ABC and other content below

          (You might want to 'Store 123' first before clobbering it)