Q:1/4=50 C:Rabbi Carl Woolf T:Adon Olam P: Structure: A A B A B A (B with Coda) K:Am %%vocalfont Arial 11 %%staffsep 90 %%gchordfont Arial Bold 11 %%stretchlast 1 P: Part A (stanzas 1, 2, 4. YaiDiDai-s) .-5 !segno! "Segno" | "i" 12 3>1 "III" 32 1>-7 | w: A | don O-lam A-sher Ma-lakh B'- | | "i" 34 .5654 5c .5 | w: te-rem Kol Y'-tsir Niv-ra L' | "iv" 65 4>4 "III" 54 3>3 | w: et na\-a-sah V'-chef-tso Kol A- | | "v" 5>6 .7654 "V7" 5c .5 "to Segno (\u{1d10b}) of A, or to B" || w: zai - Melekh Sh'-mo Ni-qra V'- P: Part B (stanzas 3, 5. YaiDiDai-s) %%thanks Noto-font | "VI" 65 4>4 "III" 54 3>3 | w: | hu E-chad V'-en She-ni L'- | | "iv" 43 2>2 "i" 13 5>5 | w: ham-shil Lo L'-hach-bi-rah B'- | "VI" 67 6>4 "III" 56 5>5 | w: li Re-shit B'-li Takh-lit V'- | [1,2 "iv" 4>4 .5654 "to Segno (\u{1d10b}) of A" "V7" H 5c .5 |[3 "iv" 4>4 .5654 "to Coda (\u{1d10c})" "V7" H 5c .5 || w: lo Ha-oz V'-ha-mis-rah V'- | dai ya dai di dai da dai P: CODA !coda! | "VI" 67 6>4 "III" 56 5>5 | w: ya | dai dai dai ya dai dai dai ya | "iv" 4>4 "V7" .5432 "i" H 1d || w: dai dai yai dai ya da dai |